Best Volcanic glass, which can be melted with heat or rubbed with any non-abrasive material

A marvelous material called obsidian from volcanic activity is made of volcanic glass. Due to its complex specifications, you can find Gemstone of any type and faceting that may pique the interest of geologists, archaeologists, and collectors. In this article, we’ll discover 12 types of volcanic glass inclusive of the popular obsidian with cases of the feared lightning stone and mysterious Libyan Desert Glass.

Introduction to Volcanic Glass

Lava, when it cools down very fast and provides a glass like igneous rock, the obsidian is formed. Unlike most rocks occupied with crystals when cooling, glass volcano does not have a crystal structure due to the by flash cooling process.

What is Volcanic Glass?

The volcanic glass is chiefly composed of the silica, which is the identical component that is found in the quartz rock, but without a crystalline structure. It uses this method to obtain a shining, curved surface. The color may range from having impurities to be clear it depending on the process of gemstone formation.

Shaping volcanic glass as a formation stage.

The cooling of lava accompanied with a slow crystallization process could account for the hole-y appearance of volcanic glass. This is a case of harmful radiation migration from the lava that eject from the volcano that cools almost immediately when it meets air or water.

Volcanic glass gave me an opportunity to learn more about the basic chemistry behind glassy materials which I find fascinating.

Volcanic glasses

Knowing different volcanic glasses types is spectacular because of its utilization in many areas like geology, archeology, and gemology. Every type does give one the similar differences which reflect past volcanic history, nature or even culture.

Obsidian: The Most Prevalent of the Volcanic Lava

Obsidian, an ash-colored volcanic glass is the most common. Most often it is black or dark brown in color and its production was of high demand during ancient times due to the flint sharp edges which could be used for tools and weapons.

Volcanic glass

Pumice: A Light apparatus made of Volcanic Glass

Pumice is a unique rock explained by volcanic glass, with its spongy structure being its most identical feature. This glass is ‘explict’ when a lava with high-gasses catastrophically erupts and gas bubbles remain trapped within the cooling glass.

Apache Tears:

The Unicom of Volcanic Glass among Other Types of Lava Rocks.

Obtaining Apache Tears stones usually require from the person a journey to specific regions where these stones are found. These stones have an oval shape and have black color. They are called thus because they are familiar from regions where the Apache Indians lived in the past. They are usually dark and clear to see. These professions are said to have spiritual meanings among some Native Americans.

Pele’s Hair:

The Lion’s Mane Juablique pendulant delicately suspended from a volcanic glass filament.
An example of volcanic rock pieces is Pele’s Hair which is produced by volcanic glass drawing out into thin strands as a result of lava being projected from a volcano and is taken by the wind. The brittle filaments are up to the Centimeter away from the vents only near the active volcanoes.

Volcanic Sinter:

Apart from Pumice, another type of volcanic glass often overlooked by the public is Pomeria.
Sinter, often known as fame, is a variety of volcanic rock derived from the welding and compacting of parts of volcanic ash. In most cases, it is multi-colored and its layers are easily distinguishable. Its presence is notably frequent in volcanic areas.

Fulgurites: Lightning-Fused Volcanic Glass

Fulgurites are tube or crust formations prepared from melting of sandy soil and rock after lightning strike and connection of molten sand into glassy lattice. They might also have a small amount of volcanic glass formed if they originated in the area of volcanoes.

Moldavite: Extraterrestrial Volcanic Glass

Moldavite is the name of the green looking tektite which is thought to had developed because of extremely great pressure and steer from the shock wave during the impact of a meteorite. It is due to world wide attention on resolution because of rarity of its color and extra terrestrial origin.

Tektites: Annually, debris from cosmic collisions was forged into volcanic glass.

Tektites are glassy small objects which are suggested to be the outcome of thermal caliber of meteorite’s impact. These require varieties and are subject to colors and shapes and one can find that in the places meteorites hit.

Iceland Spar: Annotated transparent volcanic glass.

The Iceland Spar, or calcite, is another clearer rock-shaped sort of glass carried through from volcanic eruptions by the process of crystallization of calcium carbonates. Polarization imparts double refraction to it; hence objects are seen as a pair of objects when viewed through it.

Libyan Desert Glass: Been hens Vozdjashijhey

Libyan Desert Glass is an unusual type of volcanic glass possessing mysticism and considered to be formed in the Libyan Desert. Whether it be seen as the aftermath of a comet impact, the product of an ancient glass manufacturing technique, or something else, its original creation still remains a mystery.

We understand the impact of volcanic glass on workers. Can it be handled safely by them?

Due to volcanic glass being safe edged, minor blades could be caused by mishandling. Although there is a possibility that it is harmful with care it can be handled safely.

Can the glams of the volcano be used for jewelry?

Yes, some volcanic glass like obsidian and Moldavite are classic examples of creating beautiful jewelry because of the colors of the glasses and their attributes.

What possible health risks may be associated with volcanic glasses?

Although the volcanic glass is not the source of hazard to the human health it can be dangerous if it is inhaled inclusive of the particles of volcanic ash and dust.

Is it possible to out a volcanic glass?

The natural volcanic glass that occurred during volcanic activity is molded by man-made laboratories for numerous applications just the same.

Volcanic glass, it is a worthwhile material in a study?

Without a doubt, the volcanic glass has a treasure trove of information about the volcanic activity and geological events that has occurred in the past. Furthermore, some aspects of cultural practices is archived in the volcanic glass through archaeological studies.


Volcanoes are the principal source of this vitreous minerals collection.
Finally glass volcanoes are so different as they belong to the diverse type of the species comprising its own specific look and feature. There are a lot of footprints of volcanic phenomenon on the Earth, therefore, the examples of the common obsidian and the mysterious Libyan Desert Glass will unveil the magical and outstanding nature of the volcanic processes and their leading role in the creation of glassy materials.

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